pretty good day today since we had the half day off yesterday.
(funny how, yesterday, our row in the movie theater was sleeping with our mouths open while watching the romani movie at the french cultural centre. we apologize for that ;)
so we had a sort-of-break and good sleep to begin our day.
we started of getting feedback from the presentation the morning before, from the profe
ssors and among the students. overall i think it was a good presentation, althought we have to refine and improve on certain areas of the presentation. we had alot of content, just need to reorganize and restructure it more coherently, before thursday. when we are gona be presenting to a huge audience, beyond the academia arena. and by the looks of it, we'll be presenting to an international platform. HIGH PRESSURE noh? ;) but i think it will great because we have an opportunity to make something real out of our project, it wouldnt be just an exercise and requirement of the Msc we're taking. hehehe.
after the feedback we had a brainstorming session to come out with possible context of our proposal. its really great having Eve Cabannes here with us, giving input and feedback on something he's passionate and experienced about. noh? heheh. lol. then the group separated into 3 : meeting with fener rehabilitation organization, workshop taskforce, proposal brainstorm. (such big jargons we use in development ;P)
so whats next? we go and eat. at the point where our brains weren't functioning anymore and fresh air was desparately needed. i think most of the money spent (mind you alot) has only been on food. sigh ... i really like the area where we are, its easy and convenient to get stuff and food, perhaps thats the reason for the hole in my wallet. lol. blame the place, yea uhuh.
and during the eating session, one of the turkish students joined us for lunch/dinner/supper. and we were discussing about coffee readings as a turkish women's trait. so what else, i got myself a turkish coffee and had this girl (Berne, how ever u would spell it in turkish?) read my emptied coffee cup. the things that she said was amazingly and scare-ly accurate. about someone at home being really ill and getting worst, just hit the spot, and for it to be the first thing she saw out of my coffee cup was just scary. other stuff in terms of dramatic events that has been happening within this short period of time, of me dealing with hardship, about me wanting to just get away from everyone at times, of me distaning myself with someone really close and just being hopeless about the situation. dude...scary.... but on other positive things, she said that i would get good projects (which elaborated to mean good grades, so perhaps this project will bring all of us a good grade! lol), and i would proly meet someone new, and i am a pretty lucky person (i feel that i am, getting the masterbedroom with the 4 poster bed all by myself for 2 weeks! ;p).
so yea. right. then we continued our work within the group just to discuss about the possible "guidelines and actions" for out proposal. as usual im still up at 1am, which would mean that we ended the discussion late again. sigh .... i wana go to sleeeeep. so ... until the next blogger, GO SULUKULE!
suzaini zaid
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